Produced by Spark, the Parent Peek App is an app that represents a really beautiful and safe way to know the condition of your iPhone's battery and connectivity through your Apple Watch. It is a utility that can be helpful to anyone. All you need to do is pair the devices and you will always know when to charge your iPhone or see manage it more smartly.
Besides showing the battery percentage, power mode and charging state, Parent Peek will enable you another useful functionality. You can set up a battery percentage on which you will get notified on your Apple Watch. When you get notified you can either charge the iPhone, or if you are out you can manage the battery better. You’ll be suggested to put your iPhone in a low power mode instantly.
While using this app for the last few weeks we haven’t experienced any problems at all. It does what is says it will do, and it does that flawlessly. Pretty reliable and useful app for the Apple Watch. Get it for free on the App Store if you have iOS 9.0 or later.