If you want
to be discovered by more people and find skills and talents among your friends
and acquaintances, Felp with be of great help. This great and helpful iOS app
is one of the best rated apps in the social networking category on the App
Store. It is created by the developer Ziad Ghosn who put such a great effort in
making this app easy to use.
contains multiple features that will be of great value to all of its users. All
users have confirmed that with their reviews. The main goal of this amazing app
is sharing lists of skills. You can download it and list your own talents.
Other people that have downloaded this app can find your name there and read
your skills. If someone needs those kinds of skills, they can hire you. This is
why the app is very useful for freelancers. If you, by any chance, get sick or
very busy or maybe go on a vacation, you can make your profile private, so no
one will be able to reach you. On the other hand, if you want to find someone
who can build you a website, or take professional pictures, Felp can offer you
the same help. Just search through categories and read the descriptions that
other people have written on their profiles.
This is a
unique app that uses your other social networks accounts, like Facebook,
Twitter or Linkedin. Using this app can turn your social connections in your
potential clients without advertising or self promotion. Felp is free for
download on the App Store.