Tired of
old calculators? All other apps on the market are difficult to use and does not
contain advanced features? Well, don’t you worry because we have the perfect
solution for you to do your daily math. We’re talking about a utility iOS app
called CALC Smart, developed and brought to us by QApps LLC. They put a huge
effort in combining functionality and beauty in one place which is now
available for all iPhone, iPad and even Apple Watch users.
other apps, CALC Smart is very easy to use and has tons of unique integrated
features. Its interface is pretty straightforward and everything is well
packed. With it, you will be able to view your results as you type even with
open parentheses, to do fast conversions with just a tap or a swipe, to see any
sharable history and enjoy live currencies that go along with flags and custom
unit options. Here are some other features of this amazing app: a tape-roll, a quick
gratuity calculator with approximations, a widget that is designed for space
and time to do the math, decimals showing fractions with 1/999 precision, unlimited
-definable functions and constants, on-screen timer, etc.
You will
enjoy the CALC Smart app even more because of its customizable themes (you can
pick a layout that you like and set it with an ease). Download the app now for
only $3.99 from the App Store and do your daily math in a better way!
App Store Download Link: CALC Smart