Our Epic Day – Incredible Slideshow App

Do you want to create fun and memorable moments, using your iPhone to create amazing slideshows and videos? Well now you can, thanks to this great new app called Our Epic Day. The app is being developed and maintained by David Kynaston. The app is designed to be very easy to use by anyone. It is jargon-free and gets right to the point.

The Our Epic Day app works in a unique way. You start out by creating an event in which you can put your pictures in. The app then reminds you to take pictures during the event (like a birthday), in time intervals between 15 or 30 minutes, as chosen. After you take a picture, you can keep or delete the picture directly on the spot, allowing you to choose the best pictures only if you want to. The slideshow video is extracted as an mp4 format video file. This means it uses the best video format widely available. The Our Epic Day app also has 10 sound track files currently built into it at this time.

The app is easy to use and quite fun to have around. You can share your slideshows with your friends and family, directly from the app to any widely used social networking apps like Facebook, WhatsApp etc. You can find and download the app from the App Store.

App Store Download Link: Our Epic Day

Official App Website: Our Epic Day Website
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