Rates – Offline Rate Conversion was introduced on Tehnico last week. Since it
is a handy and helpful tool we decided to give it another appraisal – this time
as our Tool of the Week. Read more why!
Fast, easy to use and
accurate conversion
If you
struggle in finding a simple and useful
tool to convert currency rates for your personal or business needs than keep
read carefully, we have a perfect app for that purpose. Namely, we want to
introduce you the Exchange Rates – Offline Rate Conversion App, easy to use and
quite practical currency converter calculator that will give you detailed real-time information about your wanted
Why you’ll like it
First of
all, what’s exactly great about this converter app is the possibility to work
even without an internet connection. All
you have to do is to click with few fingertips on your Android device, make
your wanted selection for conversion and get instantly your calculation.
Also, we must
emphasize that you shouldn’t worry about potential issues about the exchange
rates because they’re universally accepted and approved. As a user you will get
notifications for
any change immediately they
appear. Exchange Rates App also is continuously
updated and refreshed at your speculated time for live rates.
Use it for Free
Yes, it
will be a wise step to download this incredible currency converter immediately
on your phone. It’s available for free on Play Store, so get it now and later
you may be thankful. Check it out!