As a dog owner if you have issues with
training your dog and teaching him to socialize to different sounds, situations
or people, nowadays there are apps that can help you out. Brave Puppy Lite is
an incredibly efficient and helpful dog training app that offers dog owners to
socialize their dog to different sounds and teach him to stay calm and overcome
its fears. Because of all that, this is our House & Home App of the Week.
is Brave Puppy Lite all about?
The Brave Puppy Lite is an incredibly
efficient and helpful dog
app for dog owners in need to teach and socialize their dog to different
sounds and how to stay calm. Developed for android and IOS users, the app is
great for puppies between the age of 3 to 16 weeks where what they are exposed
to they will remember for the rest of their life and because of that the app
helps them socialize to different sounds and situations to become happy
confident dogs without developing fears or phobias.
With Brave Puppy Lite dog owners are able
to easily train their dogs and socialize them to different sounds using the
various app’s features available. With different categories of sounds offered
such as animals, city, fireworks, garden, household, transport, weather and
others sounds too. In the app, owners will discover 25 curated sounds so they
can teach their dogs to overcome its fears and phobias. For dogs that are older
and scared from some sounds, the app can be used to teach them some new tricks
as well. Train your dog to stay calm
when it hears some sounds that get him overexcited. Without much effort train
your dog to make him happier and calmer anytime he hears any sounds they get
him excited or scared.
Download it for free now on Google Play and
App Store to help your dog socialize to different sounds!
Store Download Link: Brave
Puppy Lite
Play Download Link: Brave
Puppy Lite
Download Link: Brave
Puppy Lite