App of the Day - Price Comparison Among Top Stores eBay, AliExpress

What is Price Comparison Among Top Stores eBay, AliExpress?

It is a shopping comparison tool that compares prices for the same or very similar item listed on eBay, AliExpress & Amazon. Besides that, it features some powerful online shopping features like search by image, notifications, favorites, fast purchases from within the app and more!

Why we loved it?

- intuitive & easy to use
- Search by category or keywords
- change between eBay, Amazon & AliExpress as base shopping platform
- Search by image
- in-app fast purchasing
- great variety of products

Uniqueness: Medium
Usefulness: High
Potential of going viral: High
Average rating: 4.3
Compatibility: Android 4.2 and up
Developer: Get-Cheaper
Google Play Download Link: Price Comparison

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