Lucky 777 Poll was previously reviewed by our writers. This Cardano blockchain app that allows users to check the Lucky 777 pool, buy and win NFTs, and check Cardano NFTs balance may be extremely useful for anyone owning or looking to own Cardano NFTs. That’s why we decided to make it our Finance App of the Week.
Lucky 777 Pool – General Introduction
Lucky 777 Pool is the app of Lucky 777 which besides the pool information for this Cardano delegator also features an NFTs marketplace, Cardano wallet contents checker, and weekly rewards for its pledgers.
Buy NFTs or Win Rewards
Once you download the app you can quickly navigate to their original NFTs marketplace. The NFTs galleries are neatly divided and each NFT has detailed information that includes address, stake, amount, background, character, eyes, accessories, mouth for each NFT.
But besides buying NFT through Lucky 777 using your Ada tokens, you can also win NFT rewards every week through the app’s random weekly draws.
Check your Cardano Ballance
If you want to check your Cardano balance simply navigate to “Wallet Contents”. Here you will get balance info for all your Cardano NFTs, and it works for any Cardano wallet holder.
The app also allows its pledgers to check the Lucky 777 Pool information at any time, as well as get updates whenever there are changes in the parameters of the pool
If you are looking to pledge and validate your tokens on Lucky 777, you can check their website, as well as contact them on Twitter (@Lucky777Ada) and Telegram (@Lucky777Pool).
You can try the Lucky 777 Pool app for free on Google Play (Android).
Google Play Download Link: Lucky 777 Pool
Website: Lucky 777 Pool
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