Business App of the Week - MY TRADE JOURNAL

MY TRADE JOURNAL was introduced here already as the app for traders and investors to stay consistent. Because we really liked what this app offers and how can help for you to become consistent and profitable, we are pronouncing it as our Business App of the Week. 


General Intro 

Developed for Android and IOS users, this trading log is for anyone looking to invest and trade and stay consistent with it. It helps you to keep track of all your trades and keep yourself accountable for your trading. With this app you will take the first steps of becoming consistent and profitable trader, keeping yourself accountable at all times.  

App’s Features  

This trading journal app offers all the features you need in one place to stay consistent when trading and investing. Just enter ‘’a new trade’’ in the app’s mindset section. Fill out all you can find commonalities in your trade and even enter logs of how are you feeling that day to find out more of your losing trades when feeling tired, stressed, or overconfident. 

On this app you can personalize your journal with your own indicators and even adding photos to it for easy reference. All trades saved are added to your trading log for you to flick through them easily and view each trade ever entered in your journal on this app. The home page of this app gives you the notes features for you to make quick notes with ease regarding anything you want to research or anything you’ve heard without the need to switch apps to do that. Using this app, you will keep yourself accountable, cut out any silly trades, study and look back at all your winning trades. 

Download the app on Google Play and App Store to keep track of all your trades and stay accountable! 

Official Website: MY TRADE JOURNAL   

App Store Download Link: MY TRADE JOURNAL   

Google Play Download Link: MY TRADE JOURNAL   


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